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    Use console.log(str); before your loop and you'll realize why.

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    Map<String, int> seems clear to me. Moreover in case you have a doubt about the output, you should have a look at test cases to see examples. Here it's easy to see you have to return a dictionary/map and not a function.

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    Oh, in other news, since I "cheated" the first time to see the solutions (in an effort to see why my result wasn't being accepted) I've since done several variations I've saved in VScode. In that sense, this has been really educational to play around with different outputs.

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    I don't understand what's your problem. Which changes would you suggest to improve the description?

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    For the longest time I didn't understand what was going on. The explanation of Map<string,int> in the description is really really misleading for JavaScript, which actually makes you do horrificly verbose stuff as a beginner giving this a shot.

    It's actually super simple, except for the output having to be absolutely specific with such misleading directions. Once I figured out what it was asking for, it finally accepted my code. I had to work around the solutions being locked to actually see what the issue was, though.