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    Hi! Thanks for posting this kata.

    What are the rules for determining a valid sudoko? From reading the article, it could be that each digit from 1 to 9 should appear once in each of the 9 3x3 subgrids - or maybe each row and column should also contain each digit exactly 1 time, as suggested ny the sentence "For example, the same single integer may not appear twice in the same row, column, or any of the nine 3×3 subregions of the 9×9 playing board"? Maybe there are other constraints (why else starting the sentence with 'For example'?)

    Please consider including the rules in the kata description.

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    Needs random tests.

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    The tests are very inadequate. Author solution fails on ../bird.txt, images/bird.jpg and possibly many more.

    A proper solution should be at least as secure as open_basedir, which completely disallows accessing any files outside a base directory.

    Moreover, it needs to specify whether paths like ./bird.txt or ../upload/bird.txt is allowed. Local file inclusion and directory traversal attack are completely different things, which the author seems to mix up.