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    Wow so blind this morning :D NVM me then :D

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    That is completely correct. The reason to return the list is so you can do assignments to it like
    WWallpapers= Addword(list,bla)
    Will add in ddescription.will add more about chainability. Thank you

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    Giving more thought about this.

    on number 1: do you mean as a solution setup so they just fill in the blanks?

    I think its better that you get to build your own function.

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    1. Okey.
    2. Sure I can add more test cases.
    3. Yes I could do that. But the idea was just to append to a global array. But thinking about it I might evolve it to that.

    Thanks for the input this is my first kata :-)

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    More information in description would be nice, because I was in the assumption of making a function that will add a value.
    So I got lots of errors because this only wants you to add to a array by itself.

    Or build more testcases say that everyone either just add a element by itself and people can make functions thats named like "addValue",

    I think this assignment would be better if you add a random word and not just "codewars". So you put in a word and then add it to a array.

    Created a kata to explane please upvote if you like it:

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    Hello! I just did this test, I have no idea how these test things work really, but i wrote:

    and got the error:
    "Test Failed: Expected: [2,4,6], instead got: [2,4,6]"

    I did this test to just test it out how it worked. I assume that in this: "Test.assertEquals(actual, expected, [optional] message)"
    the actual is the part you send into the function and expected is the thing that is expected so.

    So error in test?

    Edit: I completed this with my solution but test case still dosent work.