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It is not a kata issue, you need to remove excessive logging from your solution.
And what is the problem? Your code seems to work after you remove the excessive logging?
See this paragraph: https://docs.codewars.com/training/troubleshooting#maxbuffer
Using python
This test case seems broken to me
code = '''
mov c 12
mov b 0
mov a 200
dec a
inc b
jnz a -2
dec c
mov a b
jnz c -5
jnz 0 1
mov c a'''
test.assert_equals(simple_assembler(code.splitlines()), {'a': 409600, 'c': 409600, 'b': 409600})
Following the test case we do the following:
Set c to 12
Set b to 0
Set a to 200
dec a to 199
inc b to 1
We then check if a is 0, if not we jump 2 spaces back
Then we dec a to 198
Inc b to 2
This continues until a is 0, at that point a = 0, b = 200, c = 12
We then dec c to 11
mov b to a - a = 200, b = 200
and then we check if c is 0, if not we jump back to the increment decrement loop
This loop causes so many iterations that the buffer size is exceeded. even the solution says that eventually the registers have to be over 400.000 which seems insane to me and impossible to do without exceeding buffer size or timing out
Maybe your map still has this entry for c from a previous execution.
I had the same problem with a static map that persisted values after each test.
jnz 5 10
here is a constant, which is not zero, which means your next step should be jumping forward 10 steps, which ends the program.Not a kata issue.
I believe this test case if wrong: { "mov d 100", "dec d", "mov b d", "jnz b -2", "inc d", "mov a d", "jnz 5 10", "mov c a" }
When the code reaches the "jnz 5 10" no registers has the value 5.\
mov d 100 -> d is 100
dec 9 -> d is 99
mov b d -> botb b and d are 99
jnz b -2 -> we decrease the value of d then copy d's value to b until d is 0, so d and b is 0 when we reach the "inc d" instruction
inc d -> d is 1 b is 0
mov a d -> d and a are 1, b is 0
jnz 5 10 -> no register has 5 as value
C# tests seem to be timing out on correct answer. Adding " " to output fails with only that as the error, but leaving it out times out every time.
the initial code tells you:
this is not what you are doing, you are putting a into
, b intoregisters[1]
, etcIn C, when I print the registers[] array inside the function, the output matches the expected results exactly (at least when running the first test cases). Despite this, the tests still fail, showing that the registers are zero, not matching the expected output. What is the correct way to modify the array, so that the test framework correctly evaluates the results?
I believe there is a forever loop in one of the test cases. Specifically the case:
On line 7 reg b gets its initial value of -9 from reg a. On line 10 it is decremented to -10. It is then decremented 8 more times. When I get to line 24 reg b is -18 so it has me go back 2 where it has me decrement it again to -19. By the time it overflows the Int32 to get back to 0 it has timed out.
Did I miss anything?
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I decided to learn Rust's Nom crate. Got a nice solution up and running with Nom, only to experience that Nom is not accepted. Nom has 158+ million downloads, and I will suggest that any rustacean would consider Nom for a task like this.
Allow Rust Nom crate!
even better: just generate all 10000 digits first
Nice kata, too easy for 2kyu though
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