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    This kata (perhaps) needs some kind of warning against the obvious failed logic of the surface expectation. There's a small chance this warning will prevent the repeated rage posts about how a kata that has been solved a thousand times is "impossible" to solve.

    Then again, maybe it won't.

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    Thank you for making and translating the Kata. I found the initial description frustrating as the wording implies that as the pancakes have two sides they need to be cooked both-sides back-to-back. The tests obviously are looking for a looser definition of cooking, implying that one side of all (or some pancakes) before going back and cooking the other side.

    It truly reflects why test driven development is so powerful compared to the spoken/written word.

    That said, as this is a Level 7kyu it may serve to add a hint that reflects that the tests give more specific definition of the requirements than the task description.

    Thanks again.