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    Haskell solution's type expectations are weird. There's a mix of Ints and Integers in the input, and it makes it nearly impossible to properly handle the data.

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    Needs random tests.

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    OPTIMAL - 20< minutes per side

    The < condition isn't tested: using <= instead of < still passes the tests.

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    The record must contain at least 1 track. The track times are provided in minutes and seconds, like so: "MM:SS". There are no audio gaps before the first track, or after the last track.

    There are no mentions that we are required to validate the input against invalid track durations, e.g asdfasdg, 0000, 964.

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    If one side of the record contains 2+ tracks and the other side 0 tracks, put the longest track on the empty side.

    What if there are more than one track with the longest track? Which one should be moved to the other side?

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    Some test cases have user function called outside the it block, which messes the order of operation.

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    Function signature is missing in Haskell (well, no, it's worse, undefined...). This 7kyu kata is addressed to beginners, it is not about guessing Haskell data types subtleties and leave them disconcerted after their code passed the sample tests, it's just summing integers in an array and say if the result is odd or even.