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I think by "hung" you mean "hanged" (the verb is irregular in this case).
Normally I wouldn't bother being a pedant, but in this case "hung" means something else ;)
This could have had a more descriptive prompt. Please leave an example of expected input and output.
I had the same issue
there is actually no need to save into variables the functions in our answers to these exercises, as we're not asked to then use them as parameters in higher order functions, so we can use a function expression, rather than a function declaration (plus, especially with the concise arrow syntax, we can use functions diretly as argumemts in other functions, or define and call them at the same time as an IIFE, eg. ((n)=> {console.log(n=5);}10); that logs 15)
good shot
chatgpt (not to be offensive)
hello c++ )
I think a best practice is to always use a Named function instead of an Arrow function for easy error location and handling.
is required as every input of a list is at their respective lines. Also, your code only displays the partially correct output, but does not return the result back to the caller.python new test framework is required. updated in this fork
do you still the parameter if you dont need to use when using a arrow function ?
python new test framework
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