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    I've concluded 5 kyu challenges that felt like 8 kyu compared to this one. Great kata nonetheless.

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    Yeah, I gotta admit I could barely understand this code (still puzzles me to this day). At first I thought it was because of my inexperience, but it's relieving to know that this is in fact hard to read and that I don't necessarily need one-liners to write good code. Thanks, man!

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    Don't be discouraged! These one-liner solutions get upvoted because they show off a lot of cool stuff Python can do, but it's a terrible way to code (unless you're practicing and want to get intimately familiar with every neat trick).

    Coding is about documenting logical steps that are human-readable, hopefully with comments that provide more context for the programmers maintaining it. If these were instructions for a Lego set, this would be the equivalent of "Step 1: put all the Legos together."

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    It took me 2 days and 9 lines of code just to find out that someone made it in a single line. Inspiring and discouraging at the same time, lol. Congrats, dude. That's insane.