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    This one in shell was great. Techniques were applied like never before.

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    Otherwise, the duration is expressed as a combination of years, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

    There are no months there. Not a kata issue.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    OP solved it, closing.

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    What I do wrong?
    Passed: 107 Failed: 6
    '4 years, 104 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes' should equal '4 years, 68 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes'
    '6 years, 246 days, 13 hours, 3 minutes and 54 seconds' should equal '6 years, 192 days, 13 hours, 3 minutes and 54 seconds'
    '8 years, 84 days, 13 hours, 41 minutes and 1 second' should equal '8 years, 12 days, 13 hours, 41 minutes and 1 second'
    '7 years, 309 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes and 54 seconds' should equal '7 years, 246 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes and 54 seconds'
    '3 years, 112 days, 1 hour, 9 minutes and 26 seconds' should equal '3 years, 85 days, 1 hour, 9 minutes and 26 seconds'
    '1 year, 28 days, 18 hours, 19 minutes and 46 seconds' should equal '1 year, 19 days, 18 hours, 19 minutes and 46 seconds'

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    This is due to Kotlin version is stuck at 1.3 at the time of writing this solution. However, 1.9 has been enabled now and the above warning should not happen again.

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    Your division and remainder logic is wrong. In the case of 62, it should be 1 minute, but for your code here

    int minutes = ((seconds % 1892160000) % 5184000) % 216000 / 3600;

    it yields 0 minutes...

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    This fork should fix the issue

  • Default User Avatar

    to easy for 4 kata))))

  • Default User Avatar

    oh, that's right! thanks

  • Custom User Avatar

    From spec:

    The pieces should not have trailing spaces at the end of the lines.

  • Default User Avatar

    Who can explain me the problem:
    My result in my log is:

        '+-------------------+\n' +
        '|                   |\n' +
        '|                   |\n' +
        '|  +----------------+\n' +
        '|  |                 \n' +
        '|  |                 \n' +
        '+--+                 ',
        '                 +--+\n' +
        '                 |  |\n' +
        '                 |  |\n' +
        '+----------------+  |\n' +
        '|                   |\n' +
        '|                   |\n' +

    Looks like everything is ok, but:

    Break_pieces() failed on shape:
    |                   |  |
    |                   |  |
    |  +----------------+  |
    |  |                   |
    |  |                   |
    It returned:
                     |  |
                     |  |
    +----------------+  |
    |                   |
    |                   |
    |                   |
    |                   |
    |  +----------------+
    |  |                 
    |  |                 
    But the expected value is:
                     |  |
                     |  |
    +----------------+  |
    |                   |
    |                   |
    |                   |
    |                   |
    |  +----------------+
    |  |
    |  |
  • Default User Avatar

    Can you explain what "array size extension" is exactly? I'm looking at your answer and see "fill" and "concat". Would these not be considered array size extensions also? Is your answer the best answer? If so, is filling a new array and concat better than push and spreading? How come?

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