5 kyu

Decimal to Factorial and Back

127 of 4,241g964


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CreatedFeb 17, 2015
PublishedFeb 17, 2015
Warriors Trained20825
Total Skips6714
Total Code Submissions39094
Total Times Completed4241
Ruby Completions127
Python Completions1108
Java Completions461
C# Completions277
Clojure Completions42
Haskell Completions97
JavaScript Completions497
CoffeeScript Completions10
C++ Completions393
PHP Completions125
Crystal Completions5
C Completions179
TypeScript Completions199
Rust Completions264
Swift Completions79
R Completions33
Shell Completions6
OCaml Completions10
Julia Completions27
Scala Completions59
Go Completions140
Nim Completions11
Racket Completions17
F# Completions24
Kotlin Completions94
Groovy Completions5
Elixir Completions30
Dart Completions74
Pascal Completions9
Perl Completions9
COBOL Completions4
D Completions4
Prolog Completions4
Total Stars424
% of votes with a positive feedback rating91% of 618
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes525
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes80
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes13
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