7 kyu

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70,971 of 159,656Brynx


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CreatedMar 13, 2015
PublishedMar 13, 2015
Warriors Trained284954
Total Skips31372
Total Code Submissions389481
Total Times Completed159656
Python Completions70971
JavaScript Completions69395
Haskell Completions1844
Ruby Completions6507
C# Completions8855
F# Completions200
Rust Completions2437
Groovy Completions80
C Completions1171
Factor Completions15
Scala Completions84
Clojure Completions3
TypeScript Completions23
Total Stars1527
% of votes with a positive feedback rating90% of 13688
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes11110
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes2319
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes259
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