8 kyu

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128,491 of 288,893Steadyx


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CreatedFeb 11, 2016
PublishedFeb 11, 2016
Warriors Trained362110
Total Skips17144
Total Code Submissions604848
Total Times Completed288893
JavaScript Completions128491
Ruby Completions6405
Python Completions83473
CoffeeScript Completions82
C# Completions13658
Haskell Completions1730
TypeScript Completions3638
PHP Completions5692
C Completions3029
BF Completions319
Shell Completions1437
Java Completions24228
Elixir Completions529
C++ Completions13421
Go Completions4709
Scala Completions836
NASM Completions61
Kotlin Completions2478
Julia Completions126
Racket Completions99
Rust Completions2484
Prolog Completions54
CFML Completions24
Crystal Completions24
Lua Completions394
R Completions280
Perl Completions117
COBOL Completions28
D Completions14
Factor Completions18
SQL Completions2241
Swift Completions581
Total Stars1563
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 18271
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes15510
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes2433
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes328
Total Rank Assessments201
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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