8 kyu

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7,585 of 330,761sergioet


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CreatedMar 8, 2016
PublishedMar 8, 2016
Warriors Trained376437
Total Skips16165
Total Code Submissions581630
Total Times Completed330761
Ruby Completions7585
JavaScript Completions132680
CoffeeScript Completions239
Python Completions90691
C# Completions17571
Java Completions30762
Haskell Completions2063
Clojure Completions896
C++ Completions17839
PHP Completions7229
Elixir Completions934
C Completions8757
Go Completions5184
Rust Completions3436
TypeScript Completions3387
Swift Completions4026
Lua Completions763
Shell Completions1180
Julia Completions349
Groovy Completions186
Kotlin Completions2765
Crystal Completions101
NASM Completions215
R Completions766
Nim Completions140
OCaml Completions265
Scala Completions802
PureScript Completions61
Racket Completions184
Dart Completions1565
Forth Completions93
VB Completions534
Factor Completions47
CFML Completions68
SQL Completions8696
Elm Completions109
Perl Completions132
COBOL Completions77
D Completions30
Total Stars1194
% of votes with a positive feedback rating84% of 21841
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes16466
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes3974
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes1401
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