7 kyu

Disemvowel Trolls

726 of 341,864osuushi


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CreatedFeb 12, 2014
PublishedFeb 12, 2014
Warriors Trained594725
Total Skips43934
Total Code Submissions946181
Total Times Completed341864
CoffeeScript Completions726
JavaScript Completions133907
Python Completions115511
Ruby Completions11394
Clojure Completions1110
Haskell Completions3160
C# Completions20664
F# Completions290
Shell Completions1231
Swift Completions2965
TypeScript Completions6049
Java Completions30576
C++ Completions11604
C Completions3328
Julia Completions183
Lua Completions466
Elixir Completions345
Factor Completions25
Rust Completions2820
Crystal Completions38
NASM Completions31
Perl Completions89
R Completions242
Scala Completions233
SQL Completions1681
RISC-V Completions7
PHP Completions1909
Go Completions1518
Kotlin Completions338
Total Stars3168
% of votes with a positive feedback rating89% of 27148
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes21649
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes5011
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes488
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