Start a new Kumite
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Kumite (ko͞omiˌtā) is the practice of taking techniques learned from Kata and applying them through the act of freestyle sparring.

You can create a new kumite by providing some initial code and optionally some test cases. From there other warriors can spar with you, by enhancing, refactoring and translating your code. There is no limit to how many warriors you can spar with.

A great use for kumite is to begin an idea for a kata as one. You can collaborate with other code warriors until you have it right, then you can convert it to a kata.


1 character shorter.

  • fn return_int(i:u8)->u8{i}
    • fn return_int<T>(i:T)->T{i}
    • fn return_int(i:u8)->u8{i}

More pedantic approach. nand function in different module to represent it being the primitive.

  • mod preloaded;
    use preloaded::nand;
    fn not(a: bool) -> bool {
        nand(a, a)
    fn and(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
        nand(nand(a, b), nand(a, b))
    fn or(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
        nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b))
    fn xor(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
        nand(nand(nand(a, b), nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b))), nand(nand(a, b), nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b))))
    fn nor(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
        nand(nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b)), nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b)))
    fn xnor(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
        nand(nand(a, b), nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b)))
    • fn nand(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
    • !(a && b)
    • }
    • mod preloaded;
    • use preloaded::nand;
    • fn not(a: bool) -> bool {
    • nand(a, a)
    • }
    • fn and(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
    • not(nand(a, b))
    • nand(nand(a, b), nand(a, b))
    • }
    • fn or(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
    • nand(not(a), not(b))
    • nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b))
    • }
    • fn xor(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
    • and(nand(a, b), or(a, b))
    • nand(nand(nand(a, b), nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b))), nand(nand(a, b), nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b))))
    • }
    • fn nor(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
    • and(not(a), not(b))
    • nand(nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b)), nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b)))
    • }
    • fn xnor(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
    • nand(nand(a, b), nand(nand(a, a), nand(b, b)))
    • }
  • fn multiply<T: std::ops::Mul>(a: T, b: T) -> T::Output {
        a * b
    • fn multiply<T: std::ops::Mul<Output = T>>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
    • fn multiply<T: std::ops::Mul>(a: T, b: T) -> T::Output {
    • a * b
    • }

nevermind, i figured out how to do random tests

  • USING: accessors combinators fry kernel locals math quotations ;
    USING: vectors prettyprint ;
    QUALIFIED-WITH: sequences s
    IN: transducers
    ! TODO: effects for multiacc, surround, polyvariadic map quot, group to transducer, flatmap
    ! reducer = finalizer: ( ..yz -- ..zs ) initializer: ( -- ..xs done? ) step: ( ..xs -- ..ys done? )
    ! ..xs/..ys are some values, normally accumulators followed by intermediate values being processed,
    ! the number of intermediate values can change between steps, while accumulators are always there,
    ! but they are on the stack and can be accessed at any time, thus not much different from other values
    : reduce ( finalizer: ( -- ) initializer: ( -- done? ) step: ( ..xs -- ..ys done? ) -- )
      rot [ [ call ] dip [ swap ] [ [ call ] keep ] until drop ] dip call ; inline
    ! specialized via sequences:any?
    : reduce-seq ( xs finalizer: ( a -- a' ) initializer: ( -- a done? ) step: ( a x -- a' done? ) -- a' )
      rot [ [ call ] dip swap [ drop nip ] [ swapd s:any? drop ] if ] dip call ; inline
    : iterate ( i-from: ( -- a d? ) r-from: ( a x -- a' d? ) x quot: ( x -- x' ) -- i-to: ( -- a d? ) r-to: ( a -- a' d? ) )
      [ [ swap curry '[ [ t ] _ if ] compose ] 2keep ] dip
      swap [let :> x! '[ x @ [ x! ] keep ] prepose ] ; inline
    : map ( r-from: ( ..ys -- d? ) quot: ( ..xs -- ..ys ) -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
      prepose ;
    : filter ( r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) quot: ( ..xs+ -- ..xs ? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
      swap [ [ f ] smart-if* ] 2curry ;
    : take-while ( r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) quot: ( ..xs+ -- ..xs ? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
      swap [ [ t ] smart-if* ] 2curry ;
    : take-n ( i-from: ( -- d? ) r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) n -- i-to: ( -- a d? ) r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
      [ [ [ drop t ] compose ] dip ] [ [let :> i!
        [ i 1 - [ drop t ] [ i! ] if-zero ] compose
      ] ] if-zero ;
    : drop-while ( r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) quot: ( ..xs -- ..xs ? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs -- ..xs d? ) )
      [let f :> b! [ {
        { [ b ] [ drop call ] }
        { [ overd call ] [ 2drop f ] }
        [ t b! call ]
      } cond ] 2curry ] ;
    : drop-n ( r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) n -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
      [let :> i! '[ i _ [ 1 - i! drop f ] if-zero ] ] ;
    ! via sequences:any?
    : cat-seqs ( r-from: ( ..xs y -- d? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs ys -- d? ) )
      '[ _ s:any? ] ;
    : mapcat ( r-from: ( ..xs y -- d? ) quot: ( r-outer: ( ..xs y -- d? ) z -- f-inner: ( -- ) i-inner: ( -- d? ) r-inner: ( z -- y d? )  ) -- r-to: ( ..xs z -- d? ) )
      [let f :> done! '[ _ [ dup done! ] compose swap @ reduce done ] ] ;
    ! via mapcat
    : cat-seqs* ( r-from: ( ..xs y -- d? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs ys -- d? ) )
      [ [ [ ] [ f ] ] 2dip [ '[ _ s:nth ] map ] [ s:length '[ _ < ] take-while ] bi 0 [ 1 + ] iterate ] mapcat ;
    ! reduce-seq as map <- take-while <- iterate
    : reduce-seq* ( xs finalizer: ( a -- a' ) initializer: ( -- a done? ) step: ( a x -- done? ) -- a' )
      roll [ '[ _ s:nth ] map ] [ s:length '[ _ < ] take-while ] bi 0 [ 1 + ] iterate reduce ; inline
    : count-from ( r-from: ( ..xs i -- d? ) n -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
      [let :> i! [ i [ 1 + i! ] keep ] ] prepose ;
    ! TODO: generalize
    ! a temporary variant for testing
    : group-using-arrays ( f-from: ( a -- a' ) i-from: ( -- a d? ) r-from: ( a x -- a' d? ) n -- f-to: ( a -- a' ) i-to: ( -- a d? ) r-to: ( a x -- a' d? ) )
      [let dup V{ } clone :> ( r-from n i! g! )
        [ [ i n = [ g r-from call drop ] unless ] prepose ] dip
        [ g s:push i 1 - [ g r-from call V{ } clone g! n ] [ [ f ] dip ] if-zero i! ]
      ] ;
    • USING: accessors combinators fry kernel locals math quotations ;
    • USING: vectors prettyprint ;
    • QUALIFIED-WITH: sequences s
    • IN: transducers
    • ! TODO: effects for multiacc, surround, polyvariadic map quot, group to transducer, flatmap
    • ! reducer = finalizer: ( ..yz -- ..zs ) initializer: ( -- ..xs done? ) step: ( ..xs -- ..ys done? )
    • ! ..xs/..ys are some values, normally accumulators followed by intermediate values being processed,
    • ! the number of intermediate values can change between steps, while accumulators are always there,
    • ! but they are on the stack and can be accessed at any time, thus not much different from other values
    • : reduce ( finalizer: ( -- ) initializer: ( -- done? ) step: ( ..xs -- ..ys done? ) -- )
    • rot [ [ call ] dip [ swap ] [ [ call ] keep ] until drop ] dip call ; inline
    • ! specialized via sequences:any?
    • : reduce-seq ( xs finalizer: ( a -- a' ) initializer: ( -- a done? ) step: ( a x -- a' done? ) -- a' )
    • rot [ [ call ] dip swap [ drop nip ] [ swapd s:any? drop ] if ] dip call ; inline
    • : iterate ( i-from: ( -- a d? ) r-from: ( a x -- a' d? ) x quot: ( x -- x' ) -- i-to: ( -- a d? ) r-to: ( a -- a' d? ) )
    • [ [ swap curry '[ [ t ] _ if ] compose ] 2keep ] dip
    • swap [let :> x! '[ x @ [ x! ] keep ] prepose ] ; inline
    • : map ( r-from: ( ..ys -- d? ) quot: ( ..xs -- ..ys ) -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
    • prepose ;
    • : filter ( r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) quot: ( ..xs+ -- ..xs ? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
    • swap [ [ f ] smart-if* ] 2curry ;
    • : take-while ( r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) quot: ( ..xs+ -- ..xs ? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
    • swap [ [ t ] smart-if* ] 2curry ;
    • : take-n ( i-from: ( -- d? ) r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) n -- i-to: ( -- a d? ) r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
    • [ [ [ drop t ] compose ] dip ] [ [let :> i!
    • [ i 1 - [ drop t ] [ i! ] if-zero ] compose
    • ] ] if-zero ;
    • : drop-while ( r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) quot: ( ..xs -- ..xs ? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs -- ..xs d? ) )
    • [let f :> b! [ {
    • { [ b ] [ drop call ] }
    • { [ overd call ] [ 2drop f ] }
    • [ t b! call ]
    • } cond ] 2curry ] ;
    • : drop-n ( r-from: ( ..xs -- d? ) n -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
    • [let :> i! '[ i _ [ 1 - i! drop f ] if-zero ] ] ;
    • ! via sequences:any?
    • : cat-seqs ( r-from: ( ..xs y -- d? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs ys -- d? ) )
    • '[ _ s:any? ] ;
    • : mapcat ( r-from: ( ..xs y -- d? ) quot: ( r-outer: ( ..xs y -- d? ) z -- f-inner: ( -- ) i-inner: ( -- d? ) r-inner: ( z -- y d? ) ) -- r-to: ( ..xs z -- d? ) )
    • [let f :> done! '[ _ [ dup done! ] compose swap @ reduce done ] ] ;
    • ! via mapcat
    • : cat-seqs* ( r-from: ( ..xs y -- d? ) -- r-to: ( ..xs ys -- d? ) )
    • [ [ [ ] [ f ] ] 2dip [ '[ _ s:nth ] map ] [ s:length '[ _ < ] take-while ] bi 0 [ 1 + ] iterate ] mapcat ;
    • ! reduce-seq as map <- take-while <- iterate
    • : reduce-seq* ( xs finalizer: ( a -- a' ) initializer: ( -- a done? ) step: ( a x -- done? ) -- a' )
    • roll [ '[ _ s:nth ] map ] [ s:length '[ _ < ] take-while ] bi 0 [ 1 + ] iterate reduce ; inline
    • : count-from ( r-from: ( ..xs i -- d? ) n -- r-to: ( ..xs -- d? ) )
    • [let :> i! [ i [ 1 + i! ] keep ] ] prepose ;
    • ! TODO: generalize
    • ! a temporary variant for testing
    • : group-using-arrays ( f-from: ( a -- a' ) i-from: ( -- a d? ) r-from: ( a x -- a' d? ) n -- f-to: ( a -- a' ) i-to: ( -- a d? ) r-to: ( a x -- a' d? ) )
    • [let dup V{ } clone :> ( r-from n i! g! )
    • [ [ i n = [ g r-from call drop ] unless ] prepose ] dip
    • [ g s:push i 1 - [ g r-from call V{ } clone g! n ] [ [ f ] dip ] if-zero i! ]
    • ] ;
  • def twin_sum_solutions(array)
    • // Code goes here
    • def twin_sum_solutions(array)
    • end
  • def test():
    • def test():
    • print("a")
    • pass
  • disemvowel=lambda s: ''.join(filter(lambda x: x.lower() not in "aeiou", s))
    • disemvowel=lambda s:''.join(i for i in s if i.lower() not in "aieou")
    • disemvowel=lambda s: ''.join(filter(lambda x: x.lower() not in "aeiou", s))

two obscure chars shorter because Python, ha ha

  • average=lambda t:[*map(__import__('numpy').average,zip(*t))]
    • average=lambda t:[*map(__import__('statistics').mean,zip(*t))]
    • average=lambda t:[*map(__import__('numpy').average,zip(*t))]