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    Retirement is final. See the post below, there were similar katas to this one, you can complete those.

  • Custom User Avatar

    So sorry to figure out that this kata is retired after I solved it, pleas activate it back, it is so nice one

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    Thank you! Corrected

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    Thanks for such a great one;

    Please double check the test result of:

    Patient in list with high single value (meets Criterion C) but low average blood pressure:
    istead of (Expected a result of 1 (hypertensive patient at index 3))
    it sould be at index 2 not 3 (the numbers '180/110')
    as the tested values are:
    ["130/90", "140/84"],
    ["180/110", "120/80", "116/76", "130/111", "111/64", "100/60"],
    ["150/92", "140/90", "120/80"],
    ["140/94", "140/90", "120/80"],