
If you're worried about overflow or underflow, do your math inside a checked block. It'll throw an OverflowException if the result wouldn't fit.

  • using System;
    public class Multiplication
        // Multiply two integers
        // Throws error if the product is outside of the int range.
        // This would otherwise silently error and return the wrong product.
        public long Multiply(int a, int b) {
          checked { return a * b; }
    • using System;
    • public class Multiplication
    • {
    • // Multiply two integers
    • // Throws error if the product is outside of the int range.
    • // This would otherwise silently error and return the wrong product.
    • public long Multiply(int a, int b) {
    • long res = (long)a * (long)b;
    • // make sure it's still a valid int
    • if (res > Int32.MaxValue || res < Int32.MinValue)
    • throw new InvalidOperationException("Product is outside range of int");
    • return res;
    • checked { return a * b; }
    • }
    • }

Return addresses are just normal stack entries, and nasm lets you jump to an address from a register.

  • global stack_push, stack_pop, stack_peek ; , stack_is_empty
    section .text
      xchg rsi, [rsp]
      jmp rsi
      pop rsi
      pop rax
      jmp rsi
      pop rsi
      mov rax, [rsp]
      jmp rsi
    • global stack_push, stack_pop, stack_peek ; , stack_is_empty
    • section .text
    • stack_push:
    • push rsi
    • ret
    • xchg rsi, [rsp]
    • jmp rsi
    • stack_pop:
    • pop rsi
    • ret
    • pop rax
    • jmp rsi
    • stack_peek:
    • pop rsi
    • push rsi
    • ret
    • mov rax, [rsp]
    • jmp rsi
  • get rid of comparisons; just let boolean conversion take care of it
  • and is better represented as *
  • bool Or(bool a, bool b){
    	return a + b;
    bool Xor(bool a, bool b){
    	return a != b;	
    bool And(bool a, bool b){
    	return a * b;
    • bool Or(bool a, bool b){
    • return a + b > 0;
    • return a + b;
    • }
    • bool Xor(bool a, bool b){
    • return a != b;
    • }
    • bool And(bool a, bool b){
    • return a + b == 2;
    • return a * b;
    • }

Got rid of most of the ifs

  • function nextGeneration(grid) {
      return, rowIndex) => {
        return, colIndex) => {
          if (rowIndex !== 0 && colIndex !== 0 && rowIndex < grid.length - 1 && colIndex < row.length - 1) {
            let neighboursCount = grid[rowIndex][colIndex + 1] +
                                  grid[rowIndex][colIndex - 1] +
                                  grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex + 1] +
                                  grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex] +
                                  grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex - 1] +
                                  grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex + 1] +
                                  grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex] +
                                  grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex - 1];
            return 0 + (neighboursCount === 3 || (cell === 1 && neighboursCount === 2));
          return 0;
    • function nextGeneration(grid) {
    • return, rowIndex) => {
    • return, colIndex) => {
    • if (rowIndex !== 0 && colIndex !== 0 && rowIndex < grid.length - 1 && colIndex < row.length - 1) {
    • let neighboursCount = (grid[rowIndex][colIndex + 1] === 1) + (grid[rowIndex][colIndex - 1] === 1) + (grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex] === 1) + (grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex] === 1) + (grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex + 1] === 1) + (grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex - 1] === 1) + (grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex + 1] === 1) + (grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex - 1] === 1);
    • if (cell === 1) {
    • if (neighboursCount === 2 || neighboursCount === 3 ) {
    • return 1;
    • }
    • } else {
    • if (neighboursCount === 3 ) {
    • return 1;
    • }
    • }
    • return 0;
    • let neighboursCount = grid[rowIndex][colIndex + 1] +
    • grid[rowIndex][colIndex - 1] +
    • grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex + 1] +
    • grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex] +
    • grid[rowIndex + 1][colIndex - 1] +
    • grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex + 1] +
    • grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex] +
    • grid[rowIndex - 1][colIndex - 1];
    • return 0 + (neighboursCount === 3 || (cell === 1 && neighboursCount === 2));
    • }
    • return 0;
    • });
    • });
    • }