  • Default User Avatar

    An edge case test with money == 0 should be added.
    CW uses 2-space indentation for Ruby, so at least the solution setup should follow that.
    Maybe the reference solution should be hidden a bit better.

  • Custom User Avatar

    I'm not sure why even a function returning empty string fails like this :/ The accepted solutions are working as expected.
    I'll mark as resolved and enable Swift 4.
    Please open a new issue if this continues to happen on Swift 4 as well.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Seems to be already accepted.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Seems to be already accepted.

  • Default User Avatar

    The reference implementation calls the solution.
    The random tests almost always expect 0, rarely 1.

  • Custom User Avatar

    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

  • Custom User Avatar

    description conflicts: yu need to fork the translation, putting a fresh version of the description in it.

  • Custom User Avatar


  • Custom User Avatar

    forked my original translation and created a new one to fix the conflicts. Let me know how it goes

  • Custom User Avatar

    Ah my bad, got it now. Thank you

  • Custom User Avatar

    I've replaced backticks with quotes to not break the comment formatting

    Replace the quotes with backticks, so the code-blocks become code-blocks instead of plain text, and then it'll be alright.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Okay done, does that look right?

  • Custom User Avatar

    I've updated the description after the author approved 2 of my translations. You should fork your translation and publish it.

    Also, inside this fork replace the current code-blocks with these (I've replaced backticks with quotes to not break the comment formatting):

    lemmings_battle(5, {10}, {10}) == "Green and Blue died"
    lemmings_battle(2, {20,10}, {10,10,15}) == "Blue wins: 5"
    lemmings_battle(3, {50,40,30,40,50}, {50,30,30,20,60}) == "Green wins: 10 10"
    lemming_battle(5, [10], [10]) == "Green and Blue died"
    lemming_battle(2, [20,10], [10,10,15]) == "Blue wins: 5"
    lemming_battle(3, [50,40,30,40,50], [50,30,30,20,60]) == "Green wins: 10 10"
    lemming_battle(5, [10], [10]) == "Green and Blue died"
    lemming_battle(2, [20,10], [10,10,15]) == "Blue wins: 5"
    lemming_battle(3, [50,40,30,40,50], [50,30,30,20,60]) == "Green wins: 10 10"
    lemmingBattle(5, [10], [10]) === "Green and Blue died"
    lemmingBattle(2, [20,10], [10,10,15]) === "Blue wins: 5"
    lemmingBattle(3, [50,40,30,40,50], [50,30,30,20,60]) === "Green wins: 10 10"
    lemmingBattle(5, [10], [10]) == "Green and Blue died"
    lemmingBattle(2, [20,10], [10,10,15]) == "Blue wins: 5"
    lemmingBattle(3, [50,40,30,40,50], [50,30,30,20,60]) == "Green wins: 10 10"

    This way you'll add Swift code-blocks without removing the ones I've added through the editor.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Also the author is getting the error: Description cannot be approved, recent changes from related record must be merged first..

    Do you know how to resolve that?

  • Custom User Avatar

    Okay, fixed the lemmingBattle/lemmingsBattle in the description.

    I'm not sure what you mean by fork the translation and update the description. I made this translation by clicking that translate this kata button and the description was pre-populated. Is there something more I need to do?

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