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    oh ok! thanks!

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    mycode passed all except this ''expected:<[ ]> but was:<[]>''. any suggesstions??

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    A function that returns different datatypes is a bad practice. Let's say the output of your function is then used by a different one and it expects a string, if you return None, it could throw an error when trying to read its length.

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    can you explain what that means a little more? I'm using codewars to teach myself

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    They are different data types, so no.

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    aren't they both null values? if there was nothing input to begin with shouldn't both be acceptable values?

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    Why would it expect None? Not a kata issue.

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    Don't know if anyone else had an issue where any empty inputs would error out expecting '' instead of none on the python test. otherwise it was a fun little challenge

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    I'm trying to solve kata in Haskell. According to output from random tests my code fail on strings like "\na", "a\n", "a\t". if i understood everything correctly, this strings should be returned as is or i'm wrong? Tests do not show expected results. I tested code on local mashine and it works fine on those input.

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    thanks so much!, embarassing mistake

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    It looks like you're not returning any value. Printing is for your own debugging.

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    Hi there!, can someone share some light on this:

    Test Results:
    Fixed Tests
    Basic Test Cases
    'ehT kciuq nworb xof spmuj revo eht yzal .god'
    None should equal 'ehT kciuq nworb xof spmuj revo eht yzal .god'
    None should equal 'elppa'
    'a b c d'
    None should equal 'a b c d'
    'elbuod decaps sdrow'
    None should equal 'elbuod decaps sdrow'

    I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong, they are strings, i get the correct output respecting the spaces....hmmm

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    They are there. I checked.

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    in python when i reset to restart coding there is no sample tests.

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