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    Fixed for Java.

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    Help us help you. Tell us which language you're having this problem with.


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    I am not quite sure this problem is still actual, but you can go to "Account Settings" (the top right corner on your screen, under avatar image) and remove your account from there (or maybe simply change your email to another one). But as it was explained your account will stay, only associated personal info will be removed.

  • Default User Avatar

    I need to know as well.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Hi, this chekbox of "Mark an issue as resolved" is missed now. Moreover I don't see any marked comment as it has an issue, but I see number of issues on the main page (authored kata). Could please somebody check this?

  • Custom User Avatar

    Actually sorry, the kata creator should be able to mark issues as resolved as well. If you don't have this ability then it is a bug. It looks as though it is working for other users.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Either the creating user or a moderator can mark it as resolved. What kata is this for?

  • Default User Avatar

    I think you cannot mark the issue to be resolved, so I guess you have to respond to his post and ask him to mark the issue resolved.
    I have to say that I do not like that system, because if does not care to read your post and mark the issue resolved, your Beta will look like it is still flawed while it actually is not.

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    Indeed it was a lot of fun to do . :)

    By the way, it is possible as a one-liner (see my solution), although admittedly, it is quite a long line. I could make it a bit shorter, but it will be less clear what I'm doing.
    And for efficiency, it would actually be better to split my solution up into two lines.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Now, that's a neat solution!