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    The problem description is quiet vague for me.

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    this was fun, had me confused with the amount of records returned for a second (was using inner join instead of left)

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    Please use the appropriate tag (Use issue and suggestion tags only if there is something wrong / to improve the kata itself) and refrain from posting working solutions in the discourse.

    Thank you 😃.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I like your attitude towards grumpy people!

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    When asking Google for help, make sure to also look up the SQL server you're using

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    dont know why everyone is ragging on this kata, I thought it was fine. The columns to merge on are a bit confusing I suppose.

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    Please change the description. I had to read the comments to solve this kata. It is poorly described!

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    need to sum not cound, wasted 30 minutes debuging, better read comments

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    A nice task for sure, but I'm running into issues when attempting to "Attempt" the Kata; the results that my code finds are returned in Alphabetical order whether I want them to be or not, yet the test cases don't have any order, this leads to me technically failing the Kata eventhough the correct number of rows and correct names are returned. Any help on this would be fab. :)

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    I could not understand what is wrong in my solution?
    Can smbd help me? I even unblock the solutions by other to compare.

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    Disgusting description. Only from comments section I got to know that the "won" can be greater than 1.

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    You're right, maybe I should have done that. Here's some examples:

    Rastarwe Astaregil passes the test, as it contains 'astar' in the surname. Same with Ethiron Eastarwe.

    Dontegiliel Garthenwe and Oltegilion Iastwe also both pass the test, as their first names contain 'tegil'

    Rossion Aelhan, Ollrion Mornriel and Dierar Agareth do not pass the test; their first names don't contain 'tegil' and their surnames don't contain 'astar'.

    Agarriel Tegilwen doesn't pass either; his surname contains 'tegil', but we only want that in the first name.

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    Hi there! When I designed these kata (admittedly many years ago) there was a particular factor I wanted to focus on - that not all of your tasks in the workplace are going to come in a neat, tidy and technical format, in explicit technical language and with all the smart keywords already written, and part of your job as a dev will be to tease out and discern the right information from the request, a request that may well have come from a non-technical person. It was a style choice, to teach newcomers to first gather the information they need before tackling the problem.

    For example, I do not expect anyone to know about particular senshi at their cat guardians, but the user IS supposed to discern from that statement that there will be a null case.

    For this kata, it isn't a massive leap for users to note that 'sailorsenshi' and 'sailor_senshi' correspond to one another, even if you don't know in detail what they are - I left in the Japanese terms to actually reiterate this point, that the words may be unfamiliar but you should use common sense. In fact, no knowledge of the show is needed at all, just as you do not have to have in-depth knowledge of car engine parts to write an SQL request for car part data, nor be an expert in medical conditions to write SQL queries for certain drugs with particular properties.

    Sailor Moon was serialized from 1991 to 1997 and published in 18 volumes. The show was broadcast from 1992 to 1997, with 6 additional movies, a live TV adaptation, a successful theatre show and a second anime series in 2014. The manga is one of the best-selling series of all time and the franchise has generated $13billion worldwide, popular in over 50 countries. You should probably check it out :)

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