  • Custom User Avatar

    I got 0 for finishing it in PHP. It deserves a 8kyu in PHP and even that is too much

  • Default User Avatar

    Same thing happened to me!

  • Default User Avatar

    Ты пидар!

  • Custom User Avatar

    I encountered this bug a few times, additionally 2 of my Katas are effected. It happens when you vote on a beta Kata with minor issue. For some reason the comment is then not seen as related to the issue, so there is no way to resolve it.

    But, it can still be removed by the user who initiated it, by selecting ready.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Seems like a bug.

  • Default User Avatar

    Description says :

    If the array is empty or has no element to remove it should return false

  • Default User Avatar

    Maybe you should test arguments.length before typeof "list" ( which is only the first argument )...

  • Default User Avatar

    ... last argument - Expected: z, instead got: a

    Your solution fails on last argument because your if statements test only first argument (named "list").

    That means if the test case looks like, for example, last('hello','b',c','z') your solution returns "o" (last char of first argument) but it should return 'z' (the last argument),


    last([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]) it returns 3 (last item of [1,2,3]) when it should return [7,8,9] (the last arg. which, in this case, is an array)