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    The keyword this is a fundamental construct in Javascript. Meanwhile I've had several authored katas demoted from higher kyu since I've been particularly active (when Ruby, Javascript and Coffeescript were pretty much the only supported languages on Codewars). Also don't think classes were an available feature at the time, so you might have a point there?

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    In my opinion, if you have to read how to use prototypes in Javascript to understand how to solve the kata it's not a 7kyu Kata.

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    The way this Kata is formulated in JS starting with String.prototype.toJadenCase = function () {} is in my opinion by no means a 7kyu Kata.

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    Anything with the keywordthis in JS can't be 7kyu I would say. I spent also a while to figure out how to handle this.

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    complete the exercise, but send fail anyway

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    Ok, sorry. I tagged it with 'spoiler'. It seems I can't edit my message any more.

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    Please don't post solutions in Discourse.

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