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    Same problem

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    for what this shit?
    functions dont write for this

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    The final result has no spaces, so no, it's not longer than 140 chars. Not a kata issue.

    If the final result is longer than 140 chars it must return false

    The final result (#CodeWars) not the input should be less than 140 chars.

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    I think there is an issue with a basic test ("testThatSomethingShouldHappen") request. The function should reject strings longer than 140 or equal chars.
    This request wishes to see the string "#CodeWars" but the input string is larger than 140 chars:

    $this->assertSame('#CodeWars', generateHashtag('Code' . str_repeat(' ', 140) . 'wars'));

    I'm using PHP on this Kata

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    Ah. Makes sense.

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    It must start with a hashtag (#).

    With the hashtag, it has 141 chars. Not a kata issue.

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    The question says "If the final result is longer than 140 chars it must return false". But, the "Too long" part (below is JavaScript version of the test code),

    assert.strictEqual(generateHashtag("a".repeat(140)), false, "Too long")

    just gives me 140 "a"s and does not return "false". I think that the question should be "140 chars or longer".

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    Hi. I've been running into the same error with the Cat test and another one where the final hashtag is longer than 140 characters. According to the tests I should be returning False instead of whatever it is I'm returning. However I've been debugging my code in pycharm to see what was going on and what I was returning... my code IS returning False for those cases yet here it is not? I'm not sure what's going on.

    EDIT: Nevermind I'm dumb. I don't really use twitter (ig it's X now) so I thought the length of the hashtag was counted after the "#" so I was substracting 1 to the length of the final string.

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    arreglen el copilador, en local me funciona

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    My favourite kata ever! Thank you very mutch! Lllove it!

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    @Anjali Singh why did you copy the tests code? Please use the initial code:

    def number_to_string(num):
        # Return a string of the number here!

    Probably you forfeited the kata. Not the same problem as the OP one.

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