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    Oh, I see "Sometimes a line may be valid in one direction but not the other. Such a line is still considered valid."


       |      +?+---+
    X--+      +-+   X
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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I had the same question.
    Let me clarify, does "above the field" mean in the 0th and 1st rows, or in general above the field? The last option is apparently excluded, since the drop alley is 1 cell wide. It turns out that before moving, I need to check if there are any obstacles in the next field, am I right? With the movement to the right and left - everything seems to be clear - they should be blocked by an obstacle, but what about turns - should they just be blocked too? How should a counterclockwise turn from a horizontal position to a vertical one take place if the pair is in the first row: should the first gem go into the second row, and should the second onebe above it (should it be shift in vertical position)?

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    Ok, now I will know about this feature, thanks, Blind4Basics.

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    I sometimes open up a second browser to see the initial solution and the simple test suite as guest. For me this is the way to find out about the initial solution without adding the kata to my unsolved katas list.

    I presume that a kata is brought to the unsolved katas list the moment the "Train" button is clicked. If this could be changed to the event of clicking on either "test" or "submit" button on the train page, opening a seperate browser is no longer necessary.


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    it turns out that we need to somehow artificially and creatively change the solution that has opened to us in order to apply it to a more complex version of the kata or not look at the solutions at all, am I right?

    Yes, you're "sort of right". It might seem a bit weird, I agree. The problem is rather that we have users who solve easier kata with generic solutions, allowing this to happen...

    notifications: unfortunately, this isn't implemented so far. It could be useful in your case, yes, but I'm not sure it will be done (you're kind of an "exception", actually. Other users whom it's happening generally perfectly know the how and the why of it)

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    Thanks for your reply. The rule seems pretty clear.

    But, the question remains about similar katas that have a simpler version, whose solutions are also suitable for complex ones - it turns out that we need to somehow artificially and creatively change the solution that has opened to us in order to apply it to a more complex version of the kata or not look at the solutions at all, am I right?

    I also did not receive any automatic notification that my solution was rejected, which would be extremely useful - just for knowing what happened with my score.

    Thanks again for your time.

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    Yes, the 7x7 one. The idea is: you just copied/pasted the solution of another user so you actually didn't have to do anything to earn those points, hence they are considered invalid.
    It is pretty obvious it is an isolated thing, for you, so you can go on like usual, don't worry. Just know that this kind of behaviour is frown upon and might will lead to some invalidations when encountered, yes.


    Note to other copycats (not relevant for you, Alexzunder):
    No, moving around functions, changing var/function names or adding/removing comments to only deduplicate your solution from the original one isn't any different from "just copied/pasted"...)

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    Do you mean the "Skyscrappers 7 x 7"? But there I independently solved a simpler version of the problem "Skyscrappers 6 x 6", and after the solutions of it had been opened to me, I used the solution of another player to solve a more complex version of the problem, because it turned out to be universal, is that not fair? I did not used any spoilers.

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    That is matching the 1 kyu that got invalidated because you used the solution of another user. No bug, nothing anormal, nothing to do with solving 8 kyus.


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    Yesterday I had a score about 4900 points (determined through the codewars API) and Python rank of 2 kyu,
    then I decided to do a few 8 kyu Python kata for speed, and now I have a score of 3888 and rank 3 kyu in Python somehow. What happened? Were any katas that I solved were rerated? Or is it a bug?