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    Hi, I'm new here. Thanks for the Kata :)

    I think, there are some issues with the Random Tests. Or is my execution just wrong?!

    This example sould be valid, no?! flour: 4/4 cup = 1 cup (200g) = 200g = 'enough ingredients'.

    Why does it expect "need flour", though?!


      ERROR: Expected: 'Not enough ingredients: need flour', instead got: 'You can bake'
      available:    { oil: '700 ml', flour: '200 g', sugar: '400 g', milk: '200 ml' }
      recipe:       { oil: '3 cup', flour: '4/4 cup', sugar: '1 tbsp', milk: '24 tsp' }
      converted:    { oil: '660 ml', flour: '200 g', sugar: '14 g', milk: '120 ml' }
      isAvailable:  { oil: true, flour: true, sugar: true, milk: true }
      result:       'You can bake'
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    Thanks for the report. It should be fixed now.

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    First time submitting an issue, hope I'm not going about it the wrong way.

    Final fixed test recipe is:

    { oil: '3 tbsp', flour: '2 cup', sugar: '0.5', milk: '1 cup' }

    'Sugar' has no unit. Instructions don't seem to cover missing units.

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    You can bake a basic cake is using the following ingredients

    You can bake a basic cake by using the following ingredients

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    Fixed, thanks!

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    All other are seprated by a space but

     "milk" : randomArr[3] + "ml"
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    A classical question for an interview job and very important to know it. Unfortunately it's a duplicate of a kata previously published:

    And many others with very similar.

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    Description specifies two different rules for which duplicate to return. The second is wrong.

    Returning -1 is not a good choice. It might be a valid return value as well ( you never specify that the array only contains nonnegative numbers ). undefined or in this case maybe NaN (!) might have been better choices, if you don't want to throw an Error.

    map[] === true ( in the reference solution ) is a bit of an antipattern, isn't it? It's a Boolean already.