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    im sorry but english isnt my native language, i just don't get properly what this test is about, would it be too spoiling to give the test case? thks

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    i am not sure to get it, do you mean tests such as
    processes('field', 'field', [
    ['gather', 'field', 'wheat'],
    ['bake', 'flour', 'bread'],
    ['mill', 'wheat', 'flour'],
    ['test', 'bread', 'field']

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    solved thanks but im failing at test 4 (cycles), what is it exactely ? thanks

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    I feel sorry for asking but I really can't get my head around this one.
    And even dumber as it is apparently an easy one...
    I thought about multiple approaches:

    • starting and playing always the same nb in order to "guess" the result
    • trying to end up in the skipping position for me
      My feeling is that I should always start as that allows me to predict the opponent play except in case of really low start cakes amount.
      I feel that the key lies of course in the last steps of the game, could I have some hints pls?
      Apologies if I gave too much information