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    Hmmm. I don't understand your added code. Can you explain how my solution was wrong? Also, do you have any good resources for creating new kata, other than the codewars docs?

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    Yes, please. I would love to learn from your upgrades.

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    Thank you for the feedback. This is my first kata. I appreciate your help improving it.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I too get this message. I cannot find a number that breaks my code. However, I am given no information for addressing this issue with the test cases.

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    That doesn't help me much. Could you offer more explicit information? My code accounts for both empty arrays and arrays with lengths greater than zero. I also pass all of the tests. The issue (yes, codewars refers to it as "issue") is not clearly associated with any specific test or group of tests. In other words, I'm at a loss here.

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    My solution to this kata passes all tests. But I am receiving one error, which begins by stating "FATAL ERROR: invalid array length Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory.". Is this an error on the end of Codewars, or is there something I can do to resolve this myself? I would certainly like to add this kata to my completed kata list and collect the associated points. Thanks for any information on resolving this issue.