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    the kata code is not the problem, so closing the issue... here, use this to see the input for what it is:

    print("-->{}<--".format(string)) and I think you will know what to fix.

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    first off, with 400+ solves, it's not going to be a problem with the code, anyway. so this is not an issue. Max Buffer Size Reached occurs as a result of trying to print past the available limit ~ so setting verbose to any boolean truthy value prints too much during the randomized tests.

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    @rowcased Sounds like python (capital False, and I see verbose in python).

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    what language?

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    Read the instructions again:

    Note: Your function should modify the input rather than creating a new array.

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    You can require core-js for newer functions in older versions. There's no flat in the versions available here, but at least there's flatMap.

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    That's a Node v11 feature. The newest version on Node in CW is the v10 right now.