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    I didn't give much thought before posting as issue, what I meant was "I have an issue with the code, do you know why". Last time I posted somewhere else as question and the post got hidden without an answer so I thought the tag was wrong.
    Thanks either way.

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    Well, if you wanted to ask a question, use QUESTION tag. Issue means something is wrong with KATA itself - usually wrong tests.

    You could have minded your own business if you didn't want to help.

    How could the AUTHOR of kata ignore a raised issue and just mind his own business?!?!

    I solved this long ago, so I don't really remember the details, but your solution only fails 1 test, and that's because your check for invalid k seems to be flawed. I can only suggest the use of modulus operator, and you shouldn't use p when checking for it.

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    I didn't say the kata or the test is wrong, I'm asking what the problem is.
    I have done tests and it works, that's why I asked. You could have minded your own business if you didn't want to help.

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    See at the top of the page: 5525 guys passed the Java kata so chances are that your code is wrong.
    If you want to know where you fail, print the input.

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