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    still here 10 years later :)

    and yup comment would suffice but ive come around to this. agreeing that this being the default for reversing an iterable in Python.

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    Same here but a bit different.
    Random input test is failing by adding an extra ',' to the expected output.

    It should work for random inputs too: 'Quincy Rosenkreutz, Macky Stingray and 2 others like this' 
    should equal 'Quincy Rosenkreutz,, Macky Stingray and 2 others like this'
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    No problem, before I try to solve a kata from scratch I look for what functions are already available.

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    ow roger that since *args is already a list,
    no need to recreate a list of int when you are already given one.

    Good deal, thanks for the assist one this !

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    use something where ?

    use something instead of args in my code ?

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    Thanks for the assist and I knew that this piece

    for index_a in xrange(1,100)

    being finite instead of arbitrary would come back and bite me
    I just was not sure how to solve it, I will look into generators like you suggested

    Thanks again for the assist !

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    thanks ! I will comment on the kumite

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    Yeah it took some time, but I was able to enable the feature on my profile

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    mmm how do I submit my solution as a kumite ?
    I looked around and also could not find a reference in the docs section on how to do this

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    mmmm I hear what you are saying and I agree that if you are proficient in python this should jump out at you as to what is happening.

    I dont know though because everytime I take time to learn about slicing then I see it in use im alway like "huh"??? it's like my mind has to reparse the symbolism.

    In any case good discussion.

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    My test cases(Python track) pass but when I submit I get this single failure "None should equal 21420"
    Im not sure what to make of that, is this test obfuscation or should I take the failure description literally ?

    Im not looking for an answer, just direction as to what im failing to understand

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    This achieves the desired result but doesnt it lose readability ?
    You would have to know what [::-1] means before you can understand whay is happening