Loading collection data...
Collections are a way for you to organize kata so that you can create your own training routines. Every collection you create is public and automatically sharable with other warriors. After you have added a few kata to a collection you and others can train on the kata contained within the collection.
Get started now by creating a new collection.
performance tag is still missing :[
Got fixed
I see why your comment has a -73 rating now.
Thanks. :-/
Description need fixing.
See the description change in this comment, author mistakenly placed the missing
in the wrong stepIt should be:
Step 4: Break the given plaintext into pairs.
After Steps 1, 2, and 3:
s = cozylumxmoxgivesxsmartsquidwhoasksforjobpenx
After Step 4:
s = co zy lu mx mo xg iv es xs ma rt sq ui dw ho as ks fo ri ob pe nx qr
Where did the last
come from?Very funny...
I guess this can be closed.
the error comes from your code, and the output panel gives you enough information to find out what's wrong.
If I just disregard the spaghetti code given to us, I'm able to solve it :)
Python: All unnecessary comments should be removed from the full test suite.
fixed in latest fork.
It is now :]
sadly, ranks cannot be changed
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