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    A pleasure sir, it's always worth trying to formulate any constraints until you find a set that can be resolved.

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    I certainly can't say I understand what this code is doing, it's too opaque for me - I'm just impressed that this few lines of code can solve the problem when I wrote far too many!

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    Efficient enough to make it into the solutions list is efficient enough though, ain't it? :)

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    Comments, or just a leading comment explaining the process, would be very useful - great solution.

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    What an amazing series, needed to add extra optimizations between the 4x4, 6x6, and 7x7 - the latter was a pig. I'm sure there's a lot more code in my solution that is merited, I'll likely revisit at some point and see just how little I can get away with.

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    Well, that was a challenge and a half. I fear I overthought and overengineered it, and some obvious optimizations were not-so-obvious 'til late in the day - onwards and upwards to 7x7 Skyscrapers... :D

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    I've amended - the chance of collision was around 2-in-a-million, but yes, it would have likely shown up at some point (and could've confused the poor dev that hit it!).

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    Hi, I've added in some code to randomize the IDs of the employees, whilst there's a small chance of a collision, I don't know that it's worth worrying about.

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    I've changed employees_total to be an INT, totally agree that half an employee is no use to anyone. :)

    Age is age-as-of-2016-04-01 as I understood it when completing the kata.

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    Duly noted, thanks Steffan, and my apologies to Cépagrave if I've undervalued your kata - I shall not be doing that again!

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    Hi Cépagrave - it doesn't appear to be a requirement of approving a kata that the moderator has solved it - I set the ranking based off the power-user average assessed rank, which was 5 kyu. I'm not likely to set the rank on any further katas without solving them as I found that doing so precludes the moderator from accruing honor when they then go on to solve.

    I don't think that I should be setting the rank on a kata based on my personal opinion of how difficult it is or isn't, though - I'd much rather rely on a user average than my experience.

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    If I moderate a beta kata that is pending approval (i.e. set the difficulty), having not already completed that kata, and then go on to complete it, is it the case that I don't then gain the relevant honor for completing it?

    I understand if this is indeed the case ('cause theoretically I could've lifted the solution from the kata if I were so inclined) - just interested in knowing this - would mean I would for sure complete the kata prior to editing/approving it if so. :)

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    Hi B4B - have just completed this, I don't know about you, but I reckon this Kata is good-to-go, I had no trouble interpreting the requirements and coding up a solution - I did have some test failures but that was down to my incompetence... :).

    If you reckon on the test cases requiring more clarity, I'd be happy to work on that.

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    Worked perfectly for me. My solution is rather naive (I could optimize it further if it had timed out... :)) - I reckon this is good to go, I don't reckon it's less than 4kyu.

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