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    It is too simple for 5 kyu. It should be 7 kyu not higher.

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    Python tests are broken.

    TypeError: assert_equals() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)

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    The logic of indexes order is weird. I believe it does exist since a lot of people solved it, but it is weird and poorly described.

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    I fixed most of your comments and found your tips very useful. I'm not trying to make it unique with any kind of story. I'm not experienced with Codewars and as you may see it is my first kata. So, I don't know how to check my kata for uniqueness. The story is not to splurge you or deceive anyone either. I just noticed that people trying to keep katas fun, especially algorithmically simple ones. Feel free to close the kata or delete or how it could be done.

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    Hi! Thanks for reviewing. Since I planned to control identity by memory assert_equals is not the way because it checks for equality not identity. And actually my test as complicated as it is because I'm checking for identity not just equality. If there is a method which could check for identity I'll be grateful for such a tip.

    Yep, I see it duplicates the katas. I'm going to check identity deeper to keep it totally in place. Could this modification make my kata unique?

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Haven't faced this problem... Not sure what is it. Thanks for trying it ;)