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    I made the same mistake. It is:

    "true if the sum of the squares of each element in a is strictly greater than the sum of the cubes in b." So cubes for "b" not squares.

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    Can someone explain to me why it fails one of the tests when I tried:

    return a * 50 + 6 if type(a) == int else 'Error'

    but it doesn't fail when I code:

    return 'Error' if type(a) == str else a * 50 + 6

    What it is that trips up this difference?

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    Thank you for your response!

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    Your HPs go up only once per kata, you can lvl up in different languages doing the same kata, but the HPs remain the same.

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    Does my honor only go up when I train on a new Kata, even if I solve it again in another language? For example, I solved a Kata in Python and my honor went up. I then went and swtiched it to Javascript and solve the same Kata but my honor did not increase.