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    That explains things. I didn't realize that the answer could only include anagrams of the given word.
    I finally got it to work. Thank you for you help!

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    The task is to find words which are anagrams of a given word. "her" is not an anagram of "ehtre".

    It is nto a kata issue, you need to fix your solution to conform to the requirements.

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    Just wondering if there has been any issue with the test cases for the python version of this Kata.
    My code passes all of the simple test cases, but fails a few of the random tests each time. I get feedback like the following:

    Incorrect answer for:
    said = 'ehtre'
    possible_words = ['over', 'man', 'public', 'little', 'feel', 'old', 'about', 'woman', 'get', 'her', 'right', 'into', 'child', 'part', 'good', 'last']
    : ['her'] should equal []

    It doesn't make sense to me that 'her' would be an unacceptable solution given that the letters 'h' 'e' and 'r' can all be found in 'ehtre'

    Am I missing something here?