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    Awesome thanks!

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    Lol I'm loving you both :))

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    Thank you!! I really appreciate the great information. I was wondering how people managed to get 100 or more tests into their katas :D I'll work through what you have suggested to fix my kata, allthough I'll probably have some questions :)

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    How do I add those? Thanks!

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    Yes actually I was going to begin with this simple input kata then increase the difficulty of the next by changing the input to an actual date (July 24th, 1995) for instance. Even though this is a digital root exercise, it has a different spin on it and it is not a terrible thing for beginner programmers to get more practice solving these kinds of problems. I actually appreciated being able to practice concepts over and see if I could write the code better with each one when I started programming :)

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone! ;)

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    Lol, my first one. Should I leave as is?