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    Quoting Kata description:

    NOTE: Extra spaces before or after the code have no meaning and should be ignored.

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    still not working.
    please need help... @sir_Jolaf

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    I still suggest printing whatever you pass to MorseCode.get(), before line 16 of your code.
    Also I recommend reading the kata description, it contains the details on your particular problem.

    Also note that CodeWars console output is rendered as HTML, which could deform the strings being printed.
    To avoid that I would suggest wrapping the strings being printed in <pre> tag or printing in hexlified format.

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    I tried that same code on my ide, gave me only the "." as output.
    The output is what is sent to the MorseCode.get.
    I even put a print statement to view code that actually goes into the MorserCode.get()
    method. turns out its exact "."

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    And it is hardly a kata issue taking into account the number of successful solutions.

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    Probably . is not the only thing your code sends to MorseCode.get() method.
    I would suggest considering some diagnostic prints to know for sure.

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