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    It is 4(36) so your calculation is wrong. The last digit of that is 4:

    You're doing this instead: (43)6

  • Default User Avatar

    Found a false testcase "int[4,3,6]" in C#.
    My calculation:
    4 ^ 3 ^ 6 = 4 ^ 18 = 68.719.476.736
    I expect 6 to be the last digit, or am i wrong ?

    My Output:
    Test Failed
    Expected: 4
    But was: 6

  • Default User Avatar

    iam sry for the confusion. i simply saw the failure and didnt examine it. thx for your help

  • Custom User Avatar

    I see what's wrong in your solution, added some more fixed and random tests to invalidate it. I was confused because the exception you added surely had nothing to do with your code passing by luck.

  • Default User Avatar

    Yes, i am talking about the python version. I got my code runnable on 3rd try again. I got 2 Failures ("'98th' should equal '97th'", input is > 1000). This code shouldn't pass, but it does quite quickly.

  • Custom User Avatar

    That's weird because the control function expects "65th" for "6493" (you can test that yourself copying it) and there is not fixed test for that year, are we talking about Python version right?

  • Default User Avatar

    Should be so. Therefore i pointed out this issue, because my solution did pass, which it shouldn't have.
    I added this exception, because it showed me one test asser_equal("64th", getCentury(6493)).

  • Custom User Avatar

    The expected value for that year is 65, what your code returns is wrong. You can't expect random tests to cover all the years from 1000 to 9999, they're only 100. If by chance it would test for 6493 your code wouldn't pass.

  • Default User Avatar

    i got this scrappy code runnable by setting an exception {if (year == 6493): return "64th"}

  • Custom User Avatar

    Sorry, but be more specific about what the issue is or it'll get closed.

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