This is a way to calculate GPA, is this a good way? I need some tests...
y = 0
while (y <=5):
grade = input("Enter Your Grade For Each Class Listed in Order (Letter Form): ")
grade = grade.upper()
y = y + 1
def calculate():
total= 0
for element in grades:
if element == "A+":
total = total + 4.0
elif element == "A":
total = total + 4.0
elif element == "A-":
total = total + 3.7
elif element == "B+":
total = total + 3.3
elif element == "B":
total = total + 3.0
elif element == "B-":
total = total + 2.7
elif element == "C+":
total = total + 2.3
elif element == "C":
total = total + 2.0
elif element == "C-":
total = total + 1.7
elif element == "D":
total = total + 1.0
gpa = total / 6
# TODO: Replace examples and use TDD development by writing your own tests
# These are some of the methods available:
# test.expect(boolean, [optional] message)
# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
# test.assert_not_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)
# You can use Test.describe and to write BDD style test groupings