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    If you're looking for results from thinking about this kata, you will gain a lot of insight.

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    Hint: It's in the second line, read this for clarity hehehe

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    Codewars has provided a free platform that has allowed me to develop my coding skills to become one of the best coders in the world, FOR FREE!!!! Thank you Codewars and to all who helped me during my learning process. I have much to learn, but I have come a long way.

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    Update description to include the next step in the process that isn't mentioned in the original kata description. This would involve calling the bark once it has been created. Without this information you get lost in space. I had the correct answer(partially) and was passing the test, however, kept running into an error with bark not being an attribute. I defined it as usual, and then set the self method. It still wasn't working. I thought for a while and kept tinkering with different solutions to no avail. I decided to give up and check the solutions. There I found there was an extra step in the process to add in that wasn't mentioned and needs to be added in the description.

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    listen to w-h-a here, he explains this perfectly. Disregard the trolls.

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    I achieved the level 4 Blue Belt! This was done a few weeks ago! Thanks Codewars! Now I got to get the Purple Belt! :D Sincerely, CodeMonkeyGenius "OOO OOO AHH AHH AHHHH!"

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    thanks Monkey, I'll figure this out soon.

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    Awesome, great news! You are very welcome.

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    Hey zahrakaabi, try reading all these comments and then think of another solution. You appear to have it mostly correct, but you need to check for another situation as well. You may read comments to figure it out and it should help.

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    Think of a way to implement a check for an input with a break in the code, such as '\n'. Hope this helps, if not, let me know and I'll provide another hint. Check the comments below as well.

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    Practice the fundamentals and clear mostly all 8 KYU fundamental by filering for "fundamentals" in practice tab when you scroll to left side of screen and search for practice. Then move on to 7 kyu and do the same thing. While you are practicing fundamentals of 8 and 7 kyu, occasionally look into higher level kyu and try to solve them. In doing this, you are letting your mind be aware of what the higher levels will demand. It is very important to have solid fundamentals before moving further. Ask questions constantly, and always keep learning. Aaron Jack told me about this website too, and today I completed my 4 KYU belt after 3 months of solid practice. Also, check out Tech with Tim self-taught developer curriculum on YouTube. Don't give up if it becomes too hard, move onto another easier to solve problem, then revisit that problem later. Stay consistent and don't take more than 3 days break. Don't burn out, Tech with Tim also tells you how to avoid burnout. Don't burn out, and don't give up. These are just a few things you should know.

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    LOL what do you all think about this solution? (insert zany face)

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    Don't think too deep about this one, it really is quite easy to understand. I did it in a couple minutes.

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    EARTHQUAKE!!!! Can I get an HOYEAAAA?

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    Any form of deliberate intimidation and stalking will also be considered harassment. See: Code of Conduct. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments. See Fighting Words doctrine on Google.

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