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    Actually, the stupid one was me. Although I've read the title which indicates "swap", I've based my solution around the example. in the example, there's only lower case to swap. So I thought (mistakenly) that it was to send all the vowels to upper case. I'm sorry for disturbing you.

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    @lilsweetcaligula this is really weird, because it shouldn't expect a lower case vowel. Can you take a look at this?

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    First of all, you code is nice. Congratulations. An improvement (of many) you could do is to test if 'n' is even and equals 2 before the loop (in this case, if it's 2 it is a prime, otherwise it is not). Doing that, 'x' could start from 3 and it could be incremented by two instead of one, because you don't need to verify if it's divisible by another even number. I will be twice as fast (actually, it won't, but you get my point, right?).

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