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    My man is playing 4d chess

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    Hi Natan,

    Thanks for commenting. I finally figured the whole thing out and solved it. I just needed to find a way to print the unsigned ASCII values of the input string, insted of trying to print the characters directly, in order to understand what was going on, among a few other things lol... Took way longer than I thought it would, but it was a good feeling to finally pass all the tests. Thanks for responding.

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    bunch of unknown characters that I can't read

    nothing weird about that, see description for input spec

    if the ones you printed aren't what your code gets stuck on then you might want to add a flush to ensure your prints get out

    you might also want to print better to ensure you can run the same thing yourself

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    (C++) I can pass the 3 basic standard tests, but get a timeout when I use the attempt button. I'm trying to debug, so I was trying to print out the code and input to see the test. However, when I print out the input, I get a bunch of unknown characters that I can't read. What can I do to find out what the tests are expecting as input/output? I can't see them. There's also no "Expected this and got that" sort of message.

    For example, for cout << code << " " << input << std::endl;

    I get:

    ,+[-.,+] Z`�3Q�C��ſ"|y�%�]:�

    ,[.[-],] Z`�3Q�C��ſ"|y�%�]:

    If I try to feed these to some online interpreter to see the expected output, it of course doesn't work. How can I find the input and expected output of the tests that I'm failing?

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    Lol nice, had no idea this existed.

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    1/13 = 0.076923 076923 076927 347011 633173 679001 629352 569580 078125

    1/21 = 0.047619 047619 047616 404230 893749 627284 705638 885498 046875

    1/37 = 0.027 027 027 027 027 028 527 328 411 655 616 946 518 421 173 095 703 125

    for 13 and 21 pattern breaks after 2 times, for 37 after 6 times.
    how is it possible? 1/13 == 6, 1/21 == 6, 1/37 == 3

    for 1/197 answer is 98. golang has 64 numbers precise, how I can test it?

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    Please don't give free hints in Discourse. Users are supposed to solve the kata by themselves, not by looking at the Discourse page. Thinking, failing and trying is very formative.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution