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    I rejected the translation, so it won't be accepted by some careless approver without checking it properly. See translation comments to see why I decided to reject it, and fork it or create new one if you want to fix it.

  • Custom User Avatar
    • If you really decide to translate this kata into a language with bigint support (not sure if it is a good idea tho), then, for 4 kyu kata, I'd expect BigInteger to be disabled,
    • Random tests do not generate big integers. Contrary, they generate only small integers.
    • No tests for edge cases: leading zeros, overflow on most significant digit, some extreme cases of overflow (like 9999999 + 1)

    Going to reject the translation because someone is going to approve it without checking. It can always be forked if anyone wants to fix it, but I am not sure if it's good idea to translate this kata into a language with big integer support without disabling it.

  • Default User Avatar

    java translation added, please approve :)

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    Maybe add some more info in the description, so it is clear you need to look at the tests to get started.