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    From what I can see, you are trying to pop fourth item in "sausage_row" which only has three items (in the first sample test).

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    The intention is that you don't know all types of sausages that exist, so you have to identify them using their packaging (and as natan wrote, other specifics of a good sausage package). All of the necessary info is in the Kata's description.

  • Default User Avatar

    Thanks for the info about if blocks, I didn't know those existed. I've chosen tuples for boxes really just for the expressivness that Python enables here (and readability) without initially really considering a lower common denominator for other languages as well.

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    Glad you've enjoyed it, thanks for the translation.

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    Thanks for the input. You are right, I've edited the JavaScript input. As for the language-specific blocks, I've moved the code for Python and JavaScript into those, it's just that there doesn't seem to be a way to nicely separate language-specific non-code info (plain text gets colour coded in the code block), so I've just added that in the code block as strings.

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    Ah, I see, thanks. I've change the random tests to compute the expected value first.

  • Default User Avatar

    Thanks for the issue report. I've changed the description to mention that goods are always non-empty strings (a truck/box can be empty, but if a product exists it should be "something" I suppose). I've also added fixed and random tests for goods of size 1-2. As for the user modification of random tests, I'm not sure I understand how can that happen but I've shuffled the test code around so that it hopefully more closely matches what I see in the documentation and in other katas. Is it better now?

  • Default User Avatar

    Hi, thanks for the feedback. I've rewritten the summarization to an example with thorough explanation that should cover all the main beats of this kata, including getting paid.