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    Random test assertion message substitutes the wrong value: Should be equal to xxx has the input rather than the expected value.

    Also, some parts of the random test input range do not make sense: at height like 218cm the "height needed to jump" becomes negative, when it really should be 0.

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    There are absolutely no information that can help deduce the formula, except a whole bunch of inputs and expected values generated by the random tests.

    This is not a "puzzle", this is just blindly fitting data to get a formula. And not a good one at it either, if it is just a linear relationship.

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    I just did, so it's doable.

    But I hate this kinds of kata. It's 7/8kyu that was made 6kyu via adding some artificial constrains.

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    I am going to reject this, since this kata has a heavy JS-specific focus. While Python has a very similar feature, I don't think its a good idea for a beginner Python solver to stumble upon a 8kyu kata, and be told to "Find out what is new in ES6" in order to solve it in Python.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Thank you for your reminder!

    I have changed the kata!

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    Guys, do you think it's real to solve this using only 111 characters on C++ ?

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    Just give me examples for this

    what number do I see "among the cards" that I need to choose yes or no, put spoiler if you must but I just don't get it

    What is on the card !?

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    Awful description. It should mention each card has multiple numbers written on it, and you need to say 'Yes' if you see your number amongst those numbers AND that this set of 6 cards never changes.

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    It is a static method. it is called on the uninstansiated class, not the object created from the class

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    Would you please explain your question for me?

    So that I can answer your questions!

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    These two restrictions I set are to increase the difficulty of kata, this is just to test how you can compress the program to the minimum and your proficiency in the program.

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    thanks for reminding me of my oversight!

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    In my opinion the character restrict was amazing since it obligates you to refactor the code, but the oneliner is just awful to read.
    Thats why most of the solutions aren't voted at all.
    Consider keeping the char limit and removing the one liner rule.
    Otherwise awesome Kata, love it!

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    In Kotlin the preloaded code names the function 'magic_show' while in the testcases call 'magicShow', I guess this was not meant as the first magic trick which has to be solved :-)

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