  • Default User Avatar

    because your code is not correct, try testing it with '*bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

    which is also to say, your outside environment is lacking in test coverage

  • Custom User Avatar

    every test passed exept abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz (missing : n) , which is weird because it passed in my console ???

  • Default User Avatar

    Yeah, I would like to see that!!!

  • Custom User Avatar

    Its difficult to know why your code worked in your local tests without knowing your code, and without knowing your tests. Most probable reason is that you tested your code in your local tests only once, while Codewars calls your solution many times. Try to call your solution several times with different inputs and see if it still works correctly.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Ok, how to fix it? Why local test was passed, but in website not?

  • Default User Avatar

    it would seem that


    is holding values between tests

  • Default User Avatar

    Incorrect answer for sentence =
    "otkl qubh aipcgxszrv f ewm"

    expected: false but was: true

    This is the error message.
    The input is missing several letters...

  • Custom User Avatar

    Every randomized test are incorrect for my solution. In IntelliJ all test are passed.
    When I copy failed random test from codewars to IntelliJ and test code, test is pass. Why?

  • Default User Avatar

    Yes, that was what I was looking for the whole time!
    Thanks a lot, this was of great help :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    Your function currently prints check instead of returning it. In a Codewars kata, you should be returning the result from your function rather than printing it. Make sure to use a return statement to output the result.

  • Custom User Avatar

    This paragraph has some information on your problem, see if it will be helpful for you.

  • Default User Avatar

    Python: When in vscode, it succesfully detects pangrams and non-pangrams,
    but when tested in here, I am stuck on the error that None value should also be True/False.
    Can somebody please help?

  • Default User Avatar

    Hmmm but when i run the programm it gets the correct answer

    nvm im an idiot thank you

  • Default User Avatar

    not the case, your code is flawed because it uses a global list

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