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    Hi, I think I didn't explain myself very well.

    While it is true that I designed this kata with my classes in mind, if anybody else finds it useful, I'd be glad to let them use it.

    On the other hand, once they (my students) know how to code, I'd be delighted if they use CW to rank up and practice more using other people's Kata.

    What's more: I can even use (many) of these existing Kata for them to train their skills.

    I understand there are specific tools for private groups (thanks for the links btw), but so far (I've been here just for some weeks) I've got the idea that this approach might work.

    You obviously know way more about the community than I'll ever do.

    So, is using CW as a tool to assign complementary practice in class a bad idea?

    I understand that Katas should not be tailored for a group of people, or as you say, providing instructions IRL instead of on CW. Provided I address these, is it cool I try this?

    Thank you very much ;)

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    Ok, pointer given.

    As I've told you in another thread, the idea is that these are used by my students. Of course there is plenty of ways of reading, and the idea was to use it raw.

    I've had to work around heavily the test process to be able to provide input and collect the output, so maybe there is something broken when using Scanner. Let me check.

    Thank you for your comments! :)

    PS: Ok, I see that Scanner returns tokens delimited by space, so you would be getting an entire word every time. As I told you, the idea is to traverse the character sequence directly from stdin.
    Anyway, I have found the issue and fixed it. May you try again? Thank you for finding this!

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    Yeah, I know.

    My idea is to use this in my lectures. That would be Programming 101. And the course begins with character-based I/O.

    They later learn how to use subprograms and functions. This way, they'll be able to use codewars how it should be used.

    Meanwhile, I (think I) have managed to test I/O, so they'll be able to use codewars since day 1 0.

    Why? Because I think motivation is essential, and giving the students a PDF with exercises to solve is dull. This can be a game-changer.

    So, unless you strongly think this should not exist, I think I'm going to try it :)

    Also, I am not sure if this is bad practice, but I don't really need these kata go out of beta process. My goal is that my students can play with them. Although it would be nice if other people can use them too.

    Thank you for your comments!