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    Why would you rape yourself with such one liner?
    There are no performance benefits to doing that, are there.

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    I did tests and this is almost 15 times faster compared to other solutions based on kata description. Well done!

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    Man, I will need to revisit this. I managed to solve it with naive limited recursion, but now looking on others looks like I messed up that solution and should had not passed it.

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    In JavaScript I just floored seconds and it worked without any rounding. Had frustrated experience because of this "round it to nearest second".
    After reading issues section I confirmed what I suspected, author derped a bit here and refused to accept that.
    Some of the tests are mathematically incorrect.
    Edit: NVM, rounding down is not rounding, it is flooring.

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    Damn, I did literally same thing, it is 100% match. :O