  • Default User Avatar

    I have no idea how that got there, but I corrected it. Thanks.
    Should have been...
    def toexuto(str)

    To do...


  • Custom User Avatar

    Yeah, I just spent five minutes trying to work out how the "mappings" in the trivia section produced the answers in the test cases.

  • Default User Avatar

    Just a note, but the initial comments and method name seem to be for some other kata? (In ruby, at least! They said something about ages?)

  • Default User Avatar

    My code passed all the provided tests, up until the random tests, in which every one not expecting nil was failed. However, all of the non-nil random tests also expected "way" to be added to the end of all output, even at the end of random strings that did not begin with vowels. This would seem to be an error?
    input: schUB
    Expected: "ubschayway", instead got: "ubschay"
    EDIT: Oddly enough, copy/pasting a working solution seems to fix the problem with the expected output, in that it no longer expected all random words to end in "way". So... Is this somehow a problem with my code affecting the parameters of the Kata...?

  • Default User Avatar

    Wasn't this on the Euler problem database, or something very similar?

  • Default User Avatar

    When I run what code I have through the submit button, it passes the normal tests, but fails every single one ofthe random tests. From what I can tell, the random tests seem to be considering the right answer to be the same string as the input i'm given! For context, here's one of the messages I'm getting from the random tests section (In ruby, if it's any help?)
    Testing for mCklt84;Yda y; #I"m assuming that this is the input here?
    Expected: "mCklt84;Yda y;", instead got: "nXpog84;Bwz b;" #And here, the expected result is the same as the input!
    I'm probably reading things wrong, but help would still be really appreciated, as this has happened on a few other katas I've tried.